Shinseungback Kimyonghun, Korean artist, uses a computer to find faces in the clouds
Human sees figures in clouds: animals, faces and even god. This kind of perception also appears in computer vision. Face-detection algorithms sometimes find faces that are …
What is Apple hiding behind their metallic icon?…
The Cloud can give magic to everything
2 TED TALKS by Sugata Mitra. First he shows how kids teach themselves through a Hole in the Wall. A few years later, he adds The Cloud to the teaching concept…
Start the tour here >
Viewable here 15 February – 30 April 2013
ʻData Centers Grand Tour (This Data Belongs Here)ʼ by Silvio Lorusso is the second e-PERMANENT …
A very popular computer product!…
Ninety-five percent of those claiming they never use the cloud actually do so via online banking and shopping, social networking, and storing photos and music……