The proliferation of social networking and current developments in service-based platforms (what has become known as ‘cloud computing’) provide explicit examples of the privatization and commodification of social production. What becomes clear is that our …
If there’s a buzzword that’s more soporific/confusing than “cloud computing” we’re not sure what it is.
A survey from Citrix confirms that we’re not the only ones who feel this way.
We are the voluntary prisoners of the cloud; we are being watched over by governments we did not elect.
Ils ne se mouchent plus du cloud, un article de Marie Lechner paru dans Libération, 26/02/2013
L’Internet est aujourd’hui partout, dans nos poches et nos ordinateurs. Partout et nulle part à la fois. Bienvenue dans l’ère du cloud, l’informatique « …
Start the tour here >
Viewable here 15 February – 30 April 2013
ʻData Centers Grand Tour (This Data Belongs Here)ʼ by Silvio Lorusso is the second e-PERMANENT …
Ninety-five percent of those claiming they never use the cloud actually do so via online banking and shopping, social networking, and storing photos and music……